Brage Platform

Currently operated by Wintershall Norske and producing approximately 25,000 BOPD, down from 125,000 BOPD in the late 1990's. Bragefeltet Field is located in 485 feet of water in the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea.
This photo was taken from an approaching helicopter looking for tarmac, so to speak; in this case, the helipad above the living quarters. The approach is upwind, all just turned very bumpy on final for those on board and trust me, everyone will be happy at touch down. Not quite as happy, however, as passengers boarding after their hitch, headed home, where ice cold Ringnes, and family, await. The turnaround time will be minimal, the pilots in just as big a hurry to get back as their returning customers. Nobody, I repeat nobody, ever gets real comfortable flying in 40 knot winds over 40 F water.