This fella is an independent oil and gas producer from Okahoma who I am sure has skin in the game, in other words uses his own money and knows how to earn a proftt from oil and gas extraction... from concept to reality. He is like me and a few others in America. He sees down the road and is not afraid to speak out. He is concerned about the direction we are going.
I do not believe this fella and I are perfectly aligned politically, but we agree on the long term detriments of oil and LNG exports from our country, fer sure. My friend Anne suggests this video stuff is what I should have done years ago, instead of writing about it, but I am too old and too ugly to put myself all over YouTube. The Mr. Global fella has made a big name for himself speaking out on oil and natural gas.
The new Energy Secretary has gone off his rocker. Politics does this to people, even MIT graduates, and is an evil disease that can be contacted quite easily these days. To remain in a position of power, policians will sell their souls to the devil and say and do things that make no sense for another vote. Like U.S. shale oil and shale gas can grow exponentially, even at much lower product prices ($50?!!)... because of, what else, better technology.
What happened to the responsibility of influence and the moral obligation to always tell the truth in our country?
Who, exactly, do we turn to these days for the truth? Why should the truth about our nation's oil and gas future, for instance, cost us money? What's the big "secret" all about?
Eric Nutall on CNBC. When Sheffield said a couple of weeks at CERAWeek that the Permian Basin was exhausted, these two dudes were paying attention.
"A number of factors will lead to a tighter oil market in 2025" is likely correct; with regard to shale oil, however, it has little to do with capital discipline. Shale oil economics suck at $65. Debt is increasing, hell...economics are so bad many big pure players are having to borrow money to pay dividends.
The MSM and almost all ANALysts analyzing the shale phenomena have yet to embrace the word, depletion. If you don't understand oil and natural gas, never been there and actually DONE that, depletion is something you cannot understand, it seems. The fiscal discipline stuff is getting to be rediculous.
Does that make sense to you, to borrow money to pay dividends? Does that suggest everything is peachy in the shale oil patch? Most importantly, does that suggest to you that it is still a good idea to export over 4.2MM BOPD of shale oil to foreign countries when we might, when we ARE, running out of affordable shale oil?
We are trying to dominate the rest of the world with cheap American shale oil and shale gas at the expense of our own future. It will prove to be biggest blunder in United States energy policy history.
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