Bart Wales of the Refugio Museum is working on his beautiful home in Refugio. The hurricane damaged Refugio Museum may reopen in the future, but closed for now. When Bart finishes his home he plans to open his home for tours and share other materials cited from the museum available.
Thanks for the great posts about Refugio and the Greta blowout! I discovered your great website will researching for an I am writing about the Refugio oil/gas fields. Amazing the history that has occurred along one's path if you know where to look. Thanks for pointing out great places to look across the state!
Mike, it is my great pleasure and you very welcome. I am very grateful you took the time to write in and make this post; you are very kind. I am sorry it got little attention. Refugio County does not have any producting shale resource beds in it and that is all anybody has on the brain these days is shale.
The history of the O'Connors and the Welders and West Ranch are in themselves worth an entire book and I wish you the very best of luck in your writing. If there is anything I can do to help please hollar.
I, of course, have been to the Museum and visited with Bart Wales many years ago about putting a roadside historical marker in Greta. I wish him well and hope the museum will re-0pen soon. It is important.
In your honor and have reposted an article I wrote about Refugio County years ago and again, I am very grateful for your comments, sir. Thank you.